Kevin Swatsell

Elected to office in August 2018, Kevin Swatsell is responsible for maintaining approximately 1,210 miles of roads plus bridges in Greene County.
- Integrity and Reliability
- Recognition of each employee’s importance and dedication to the Greene County Highway Department.
- Respecting all members of Greene County and listening to their requests and concerns and responding in a timely manner.
- Maintaining an environment that employees are proud to work in
- Acknowledging that each employee plays a big role in the success of the Greene County Highway Department
- Consistent accountability and efficiency to the citizens of Greene County.
Our VISION is:
- To maintain roads and bridges required to assure the citizens of Greene County a bright future.
- To have a Highway Department that is recognized for being totally committed to the public and their well being.
- To provide the citizens with loyal and committed service.
- To efficiently maintain the county roads in Greene County.

Greene County Road Report: Road Details by Road Name with Comments
Road Conditions
Important or urgent road conditions will post in this location!!
Office Information
Jamie Johnson
Julie Weems
795 Hal Henard Rd
Greeneville, TN 37743
Monday thru Thursday, 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Telephone Number
(423) 798-1745 or (423) 798-1747
There is an after hour emergency service available that can be reached by calling the Sheriffs Department at 423-798-1800.
Fax Number
(423) 798-1746