The Greene County Sheriff’s Department is committed to protecting the lives and property of all citizens and visitors of Greene County.
Sheriff Wesley Holt was elected in 2018. He is a graduate of South Greene High School. He earned his A.S. Degree in Criminal Justice from Walters State Community College. Sheriff Holt has 34 years of law enforcement experience which includes Corrections, Patrol, and Supervision, all at the Greene County Sheriff’s Department.
The Sheriff manages the jail (circa 1997, capacity 167) and the workhouse (circa 2002, capacity 273). He is also responsible for courthouse security.
Sheriff Wesley Holt says, “It is an honor to serve Greene County as your sheriff.”
Sheriff Holt may be reached by phone: 423-798-1800, extension 1501 or by email: wholt@greenetnso.org
The address for The Greene County Sheriff’s Office is 116 E. Depot Street, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743
The address for the Greene County Detention Center is 120 E. Depot Street, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743, or you can reach the Detention Center by phone at 423-798-1802.
To Protect and Serve the Citizens of Greene County, Tennessee; To Enforce the Laws of the State of Tennessee;
To Uphold the Constitution of The United
States; To Maintain the highest standard of Ethical Conduct and Integrity.